NEX-LABS: training for the Mediterranean Technology Transfer Offices in water, energy and food sector
The NEX-LABS Project has issued a call for applications to select 28 candidates for admission to the WEF-NEXUS Tailored Training for Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs).
Applications are open till 30 November 2021.
Apply here
This training will target TTOs to train them about the process of innovation and technology transfer, WEF-NEXUS related technology identification, assessment and readiness.
The training will also provide an opportunity where the Technology Transfer Offices representatives can exchange best practices, share lessons learned and join efforts to enable technology transfer across the Lebanon, Egypt, Tunisia and Jordan.
It will also foster the development of applied research projects that address NEXUS challenges and have a commercialization potential in the market.
The training will last 40 hours and is divided into 5 Modules. The training will be held in December 2021 in a virtual format via Zoom. Selected participants will be contacted with the confirmed time and date of the training.
The detailed program of the training for TTOs will be published soon.
If you have any questions about the application process or the training program, please contact:
Ms. Ben Abdelkader Ines, NEX-LABS Project Officer at CCIC: benabdelkader.ines@ccicentre.org.tn
Ms. Camille Mallat, Senior Programs Coordinator at Berytech: camille.mallat@berytech.org