NEX-LABS extended the deadline to apply for 20 mobility vouchers for researchers and innovators
NEX-LABS project
NEX-LABS Project will fund 20 Mobility Voucher (2.500,00 euro per each) to give the opportunity to 20 innovators to join the 2 fact-finding missions that will be organized respectively in Italy (March/April 2023) and Spain (June/July 2023).
Are you a young researcher or a brilliant entrepreneur?
Are you an innovator in the EU and Mediterranean Partner Country on Water Energy Food NEXUS industry and do you want to travel in the EU to gain access to the knowledge relevant to your activity sector, at national and international level?
Would you like to be able to detect challenges affecting your activity, such as the regulations evolutions or clusters management and strategy building in WEF NEXUS?
The mobility scheme will provide a grant for travel and accommodation expenses, conference fees (if foreseen) and subsistence costs (justified through original boarding pass, hotel bills, confirmation of attendance and participation at the scheduled brokerage event or conferences, visa expenses).
These fact-finding missions (from 7 to 10 days per each) will allow EU-MPC WEF NEXUS industry and researchers to gain access to the knowledge relevant to their activity sector, at national and international level, to be able to detect challenges affecting their activity, such as the regulations evolutions or clusters management and strategy building. The industry should also benefit from the scientific infrastructures related to their monitoring needs.
Fact-finding missions will be employed to promote the presentation of the researchers and industries explaining, current advances, future perspectives, competitive advantages, and common points of possible interactions between EU and MPC partners. Visits to real sites linked to WEF NEXUS will be planned for expertise exchange (design, exploitation limitations, etc…) and demonstration of the related socio-economic benefits.