Call For Entrepreneurs and SMES from the EU Mediterranean Region
This training aims at targeting Small and Medium Enterprises from the Mediterranean Partner Countries (MPC) active in Water, Energy, or Food sectors (WEF) and looking to implement solutions or adapt their business models to address NEXUS challenges.
The training will allow the SMEs to develop a business model for their innovative solution or service and that takes into account technology suitability in the WEF-NEXUS context and sustainable income generation. In addition, it will provide an opportunity where SMEs are able to exchange best practices, share lessons learned and join efforts to launch innovative and viable solutions that tackle WEF-NEXUS opportunities in the free market across the Mediterranean Partner Countries and potentially expand to international markets.
The 40 hour training is divided into 5 Modules and will take place in December 2021. The training will be held in a virtual format via Zoom.
Selected participants will be contacted with the confirmed time and date of the training.
The detailed program will be published soon.
If you have any questions about the NEX-LABS Project or this call for applications, please contact:
Ms. Ben Abdelkader Ines, NEX-LABS Project Officer at CCIC: benabdelkader.ines@ccicentre.org.tn
Ms. Camille Mallat, Senior Programs Coordinator at Berytech: camille.mallat@berytech.org